Список трудов авторов, использованных при подготовке статей по маммографии на сайте МедикалПланет

Сокращения применяемые в статьях:

  1. DCIS - протоковая карцинома in situ
  2. DICOM - Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine — Цифровая визуализация и связь в медицине
  3. IR(ME)R - Ionizing radiation (medical exposure) regulations — Регулирование использования ионизирующего излучения в медицинской деятельности
  4. LAN - локальная сеть
  5. LCIS - дольковая карцинома in situ
  6. NBSS - National Breast Screening Services — Национальная служба скрининга заболеваний молочной железы
  7. NHS - National Health Service — Национальная служба здравоохранения
  8. NHSBSP - National Health Service Breast Screening Programme— Национальная программа скрининга заболеваний молочной железы
  9. PACS - Picture Archiving and Communication System — система хранения изображений и связи
  10. РНЕ - Public Health England — Общественное здравоохранение Англии
  11. RQAS - Regional Quality Assurance Service — Региональная служба контроля качества
  12. SCoR - Society and College of Radiographers — Общество и колледж рентгенографов
  13. SMPTE - Society of Motion Picture and Television — Общество инженеров кино и телевидения
  14. SQAS - Screening Quality Assurance Service — Служба контроля качества скрининга
  15. WAN - глобальная сеть
  16. АКЭ - автоматический контроль экспозиции
  17. АО - алгоритм обследования
  18. БСЛУ - биопсия «сторожевого» лимфатического узла
  19. ВАБ - вакуум-ассистированная биопсия
  20. ВАР - вакуум-ассистированная резекция
  21. ГЗТ - гормональная заместительная терапия
  22. ГИС - госпитальная информационная система
  23. ИИ - искусственный интеллект
  24. КАД - компьютер-ассистированная диагностика
  25. кВп - пиковое напряжение
  26. КК - контроль качества
  27. КК - краниокаудальный
  28. мАс - миллиампер-секунда
  29. МДБ - мультидисциплинарная бригада (консилиум)
  30. МЛК - медиолатеральный косой
  31. МРТ - магнитно-резонансная томография
  32. ОИ - область интереса
  33. ОК - ответственный консультант
  34. ОКК - общий контроль качества
  35. ОКШ - отношение контраст/шум
  36. ОС - опытный специалист
  37. ОСШ - отношение сигнал/шум
  38. ПОИ - портал обмена изображениями
  39. ППЦМ - полнопольная цифровая маммография
  40. РИС - рентгенологическая информационная система
  41. РСО - рабочая станция оператора
  42. СД - световая диафрагма
  43. СО - стандартное отклонение
  44. Ср. - средний
  45. ТП - технический повтор — повторение исследования по техническим причинам
  46. ТПДЕ - терминальная протоково-дольковая единица
  47. УЗ - ультразвук
  48. ЦТМЖ - цифровой томосинтез молочной железы
  49. ЭКП - электронная карта пациента

При подготовке статей по маммографии на сайте МедикалПланет использованы труды исключительно признанных зарубежных авторов:

  1. Andolina, V., Lille, S. (2011). Mammographic imaging: a practical guide (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.
  2. Barkhausen, J., Rody, A., Schafer. F.K.W. (2016) Digital breast tomosynthesis: technique and cases. New York: Thieme.
  3. Borrelli, C., Cohen, S., Duncan, A., et al. (2016). NHSBSP; Clinical guidance for breast cancer screening assessment, publication 49. Public Health England.
  4. Cancer Research UK. (no date) Breast Cancer Statistics.
  5. Department of Health. (2013). Public health functions to be exercised by NHS England Service specification No.24 Breast Screening Programme. Available at: www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ (Accessed 17/04/20).
  6. Gov.uk. (2013). Evidence review criteria: national screening programmes. [ONLINE]
  7. Hogg, P„ Kelly, J., Mercer, C. eds (2015). Digital mammography. A holistic approach. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  8. Johnson, K., Sarma, D., Hwang, E.S. (2015). Lobular breast cancer series: imaging. Breast Cancer Research, 17(1), 94.
  9. Kopans, D.B. (2006). Breast Imaging (3rd ed). Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  10. Marmot, M.G., Altman, D.G., Cameron, D.A., Dewar, J.A., Thompson, S.G., Wilcox, M., (2013). The Independent UK. Panel on Breast Cancer Screening. The benefits and harms of breast cancer screening: an independent review: a report jointly commissioned by Cancer Research UK and the Department of Health (England) October. British Journal of Cancer, 108,2205-2240.
  11. NICE (2017) Breast Screening. Scenario: Breast Screening.
  12. Nori, J., Kaur, M. (2018). Contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM). Springer International.
  13. Nystrom, L., Wall, S„ Rutqvist, L.E., et al. (1993). Breast cancer screening with mammography: overview of Swedish randomised trials. The Lancet, 341(8851), 973-978.
  14. Perry, N„ Puthaar, E., Breeders, M„ et al. (2008). European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis. Fourth Edition — summary document. Annals of Oncology 19(4), 614-622.
  15. Philpotts, L.E., Hooley, R.J. (2017). Breast tomosynthesis. Philadelphia: Elsevier.
  16. Public Health England. (2016). NHS Breast Screening Programme. Guidance on who can undertake arbitration.
  17. Public Health England. (2017). NHS Breast Screening Programme Guidance for breast screening mammographers. 3rd Ed.
  18. Public Health England (2017) Programme Specific Operating Model for Quality Assurance of Breast Screening Programmes.
  19. Public Health England (2017). Reporting, classification and monitoring of interval cancers and cancers following previous assessment.
  20. Public Health England. (2019) Illustration of the screening process. [ONLINE]
  21. Sauven, P„ Bishop, H., Patnick, J., Walton, J., Wheeler, E., Lawrence, G. (2003). The National Health Service Breast Screening Programme and British Association of Surgical Oncology audit of quality assurance in breast screening 1996-2001. British Journal of Surgery, 90(1), 82-87.
  22. The Independent UK Panel on Breast Cancer Screening. (2012). The Benefits and Harms of Breast Cancer Screening: An Independent Review:. October 2012.
  23. The Royal College of Radiologists. (2019). Guidance on screening and symptomatic breast imaging 4th edition. November. Clinical Radiology.
  24. UK National Screening Committee. (2018). Screening in the UK: making effective recommendations. [ONLINE]
  25. Wilson, J.M.G., Jungner, G., World Health Organization. (1968). Principles and practice of screening for disease.
  26. Wilson, R., Liston, J. (eds) (2011). Quality Assurance Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening Radiology. 59. Sheffield: NHS Cancer Screening Programmes.
  27. Andolina, V. (2011). Mammographic imaging: a practical guide (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.
  28. Dumky, H„ Leifland, K., Fridell, K. (2018). The art of mammography with respect to positioning and compression — A Swedish perspective. Journal of Radiology Nursing, 37(1), 41-48.
  29. Eklund, G.W., Busby, R.C., Miller, S.H., Job, J.S. (1988). Improved imaging of the augmented breast. American Journal of Roentgenology, 151(3), 469-473.
  30. Harvey, J., March., D.E. (2013) Making the diagnosis: a practical guide to breast imaging. Philidelphia: Saunders Elsevier.
  31. Hogg, P„ Kelly, J., Mercer, C. eds (2015). Digital mammography. A holistic approach. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  32. Huppe, A.I., Overman, K.L., Gatewood, J.B., Hill, J.D., Miller, L.C., Inciardi, M.F. (2017). Mammography positioning standards in the digital era: Is the status quo acceptable? American Journal of Roentgenology, 209(6), 1419-1425.
  33. Kopans, D.B. (2006). Breast Imaging (3rd ed). Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  34. Mackenzie, A., Warren, L.M., Wallis, M.G., et al. (2016). The relationship between cancer detection in mammography and image quality measurements. Physica Medica, 32(4), 568-574.
  35. Miglioretti, D.L., Rutter, C.M., Geller, B.M., et al. (2004). Effect of breast augmentation on the accuracy of mammography and cancer characteristics. JAMA, 291(4), 442-450.
  36. Andolina, V., Lille, S. (2011). Mammographic imaging: a practical guide (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.
  37. De Jonge, V., Sint Nicolaas, J., Van Leerdam, M.E., Kuipers, E.J. (2011). Overview of the quality assurance movement in health care. Best Practice and Research: Clinical Gastroenterology, 25(3), 337-347.
  38. Department of Health. (2013). Public health functions to be exercised by NHS England Service specification No.24 Breast Screening Programme.
  39. Hogg, P„ Kelly, J., Mercer, C. eds (2015). Digital mammography. A holistic approach. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  40. Andolina, V., aLille, S. (2011). Mammographic imaging: a practical guide (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.
  41. Barkhausen, J., Rody, A., Schafer. F.K.W. (2016). Digital breast tomosynthesis: technique and cases. New York: Thieme.
  42. Bland, K.I., Copeland, E.M., Klimberg, V.S., Gradishar, WJ. (2017). The breast: comprehensive management of benign and malignant diseases. In The Breast: Comprehensive Management of Benign and Malignant Diseases. Elsevier Inc.
  43. Borrelli, C., Cohen, S., Duncan, A., et al. (2016). NHSBSP; Clinical guidance for breast cancer screening assessment, publication 49. Public Health England. Available at: https://associationofbreastsurgery.org.uk/media/1414/ nhs-bsp-clinical-guidance-for-breast-cancer-screening-assessment.pdf (Accessed 20/04/20).
  44. Chinyama, C.N. (2014) Benign breast diseases: radiology — pathology — risk assessment. Springer Science and Business Media.
  45. Covington, M.F., Pizzitola, V.J., Lorans, R., et al. (2018). The future of contrast-enhanced mammography. AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology, 210(2), 292.
  46. Dixon, J.M. (2012). ABC of breast diseases. Blackwell Pub.
  47. D’Orsi CJ, Sickles EA, Mendelson EB, Morris EA, et al. (2013). ACR BI-RADS* Atlas, breast imaging reporting and data system. Reston, VA: American College of Radiology.
  48. Feldman, E.D., Oppong, B.A., Willey, S.C. (2012). Breast cancer screening: Clinical, radiologic, and biochemical. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 55(3). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1097/GRF.0b013e31825ca884 (Accessed 17/04/20).
  49. Giess, C.S., Frost, E.P., Birdwell, R.L. (2012). Difficulties and errors in diagnosis of breast neoplasms. Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI, 33(4).
  50. Gilbert, F.J., Tucker, L., Young, K.C. (2016). Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT): a review of the evidence for use as a screening tool. Clinical Radiology, 71(2), 141-150).
  51. Gunderman, R.B., McNeive, L.R. (2014). Is structured reporting the answer? Radiology, 273(1), 7-9.
  52. Haneuse, S., Buist, D.S.M., Miglioretti, D.L., et al. (2011). Mammographic interpretive volume and diagnostic mammogram interpretation performance in community practice 1. Radiology, 262.
  53. Harvey, J., March, D.E (2013) Making the diagnosis: a practical guide to breast imaging. Philidelphia: Saunders Elsevier.
  54. Hogg, P., Kelly, J., Mercer, C. eds (2015). Digital mammography. A holistic approach. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  55. Johnson, K„ Sarma, D„ Hwang, E.S. (2015). Lobular breast cancer series: Imaging. Breast Cancer Research, 17(1).
  56. Kim, G„ Phillips, J., Cole, E„ et al. (2019). Comparison of contrast-enhanced mammography with conventional digital mammography in breast cancer screening: a pilot study. (Report). Journal of the American College of Radiology, 16(10), 1456.
  57. Kopans, D.B. (2006). Breast Imaging (3rd ed). Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  58. Maxwell, A. J., Ridley, N.T., Rubin, G., Wallis, M.G., Gilbert, F.J., Michell, M.J. (2009). The Royal College of Radiologists Breast Group breast imaging classification. Clinical Radiology, 64(6), 624-627.
  59. Nass, S.J., Patlak, M. (2015). Assessing and improving the interpretation of breast images. In Nass, S.J., Patlak, M. eds. Assessing and improving the interpretation of breast images (1st ed.). National Academies Press.
  60. Nori, J, Kaur, M. (2018). Contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM). Springer International.
  61. The Royal College of Radiologists. (2019). Guidance on screening and symptomatic breast imaging 4th edition. November. Clinical Radiology. Available at: https://www.rcr.ac.uk/system/files/publication/field_publication_ files/bfcrl99-guidance-on-screening-and-symptomatic-breast-imaging. pdf (Accessed 20/04/20).
  62. Shetty, M.K. ed. (2014). Breast cancer screening and diagnosis: a synopsis. New York: Springer.
  63. Shiffman, M. (2009). Breast augmentation. In Shiffman M. A. ed. Breast augmentation (1st ed.), pp. 1-672). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  64. Sinn, H.P., Kreipe, H. (2013). A brief overview of the WHO classification of breast tumors. Breast Care, 8(2), 149-154.
  65. Tabar, L., Tot, T, Dean, P.B. (2008). Crushed stone-like calcifications: the most frequent malignant type: Vol. Breast can. Thieme.
  66. Tagliafico, A., Houssami, N„ Calabrese, M. eds. (2016). Digital breast tomosynthesis: a practical approach. Switzerland: Springer.
  67. Jones, E. (2018). Practical steps to improving the quality of care and services using NICE guidance. NICE Website, 1-22.
  68. Kopans, D.B. (2006). Breast Imaging (3rd ed). Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  69. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2015). Assessing and Improving the Interpretation of Breast Images: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi. org/10.17226/21805.
  70. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes (2013) Routine quality control tests for full-field digital mammography systems. Equipment report 1303: fourth edition October.
  71. Perry, N„ Puthaar, E„ Broeders, M., Tornberg, S., Holland, R., Wolf, C. de, Karsa, L. von. (2008). European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis. Fourth Edition — summary document. Annals of Oncology, 19(4), 614-622.
  72. Public Health England. (2017). NHS Breast Screening Programme Guidance for breast screening mammographers. 3rd Ed.
  73. Public Health England. (2019). Breast screening: guidelines for medical physics services. Breast Screening: Quality Assurance for Medical Physics Services.
  74. Reis, C„ Pascoal, A., Sakellaris, T„ Koutalonis, M. (2013). Quality assurance and quality control in mammography: A review of available guidance worldwide. Insights into Imaging, 4(5), 539-553.
  75. Reynolds, A., (2014). Quality assurance and ergonomics in the mammography department. Radiologic Technology, 86(1), 61M-79M.
  76. Sauven, P„ Bishop, H„ Patnick, J., Walton, J., Wheeler, E„ Lawrence, G. (2003). The National Health Service Breast Screening Programme and British Association of Surgical Oncology audit of quality assurance in breast screening 1996-2001. British Journal of Surgery, 90(1), 82-87.
  77. Wilson, R., Liston, J. (eds) (2011). Quality Assurance Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening Radiology. 59. Sheffield: NHS Cancer Screening Programmes.
  78. Nightingale, J.M., Murphy, F.J., Robinson, L., Newton-Hughes, A., Hogg, P., (2015). Breast compression — An exploration of problem solving and decision-making in mammography. Radiography, 21(4), 364-369.
  79. Popli, M.B., Teotia, R., Narang, M., Krishna, H. (2014). Breast positioning during mammography: Mistakes to be avoided. Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research, 8(30), 119-124.
  80. Public Health England. (2017). NHS Breast Screening Programme Guidance for breast screening mammographers. 3rd Ed.
  81. Public Health England. (2018). Breast screening mammography: ergonomics good practice. October.
  82. Public Health England. (2019) Information for Trans and Non-Binary People. NHS Screening Programmes.
  83. Reynolds, A., (2014). Quality assurance and ergonomics in the mammography department. Radiologic Technology, 86(1), 61M-79M.
  84. Shetty, M.K. ed. (2014). Breast cancer screening and diagnosis: a synopsis. New York: Springer.
  85. Shiffman, M. (2009). Breast augmentation. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.
  86. Andolina, V. (2011). Mammographic imaging: a practical guide (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.
  87. Barkhausen, J., Rody, A., Schafer, F.K.W. (2016). Digital breast tomosynthesis: technique and cases. New York: Thieme.
  88. Baxter, G., Jones, V., Milnes, V., et al. (2014). NHS Cancer Screening Programmes Guidance notes for equipment evaluation and protocol for user evaluation of imaging equipment for mammographic screening and assessment. NHSBSP Equipment Report 1411. September. Public Health England.
  89. Borrelli, C., Cohen, S„ Duncan, A., et al (2016). NHSBSP; Clinical guidance for breast cancer screening assessment, publication 49. Public Health England.
  90. Covington, M.F., Pizzitola, V.J., Lorans, R„ et al. (2018). The future of contrast-enhanced mammography. AJR. American Journal of Roentgenology, 210(2), 292.
  91. Dromain, C., Balleyguier, C., Adler, G., Garbay, J.R., Delaloge, S. (2009). Contrast-enhanced digital mammography. European Journal of Radiology, 69(1), 34-42.
  92. Feldman, E.D., Oppong, B.A., Willey, S.C. (2012). Breast cancer screening: clinical, radiologic, and biochemical. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 55(3).
  93. Giess, C.S., Frost, E.P., Birdwell, R.L. (2012). Difficulties and errors in diagnosis of breast neoplasms. Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI, 33(4).
  94. Andolina, V., Lille, S. (2011). Mammographic imaging: a practical guide (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.
  95. Hogg, P„ Kelly, J., Mercer, C. eds (2015). Digital mammography. A holistic approach. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  96. Jasper, M. (2013). Beginning reflective practice. (2nd ed). Andover: Cen-gage Learning.
  97. Kopans, D.B. (2006). Breast Imaging (3rd ed). Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  98. Moran, S., Warren-Forward, H. (2011). A retrospective study of the performance of radiographers in interpreting screening mammograms. Radiography, 17(2), 126-131.
  99. Nass, S.J., Patlak, M. (2015). Assessing and improving the interpretation of breast images. In Nass, S.J., Patlak, M. eds. Assessing and improving the interpretation of breast images (1st ed.). National Academies Press.
  100. Perry, N., Breeders, M„ de Wolf, C., Tornberg, S., Holland, R., von Karsa, L., (2008). European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis.—summary document. Annals of Oncology, 19(4), 614-622.
  101. Public Health England. (2017). NHS Breast Screening Programme Guidance for breast screening mammographers. 3rd Ed.
  102. Tabar, L., Dean, P., Boulter, P. (2012). Teaching atlas of mammography. (4th ed). Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme Publishing Group.
  103. Theberge, I., Guertin, М.-H., Vandal, N., et al. (2018). Clinical image quality and sensitivity in an organized mammography screening program. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 69(1), 16-23.
  104. Andolina, V., Lille, S. (2011). Mammographic imaging: a practical guide (3rd Ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.
  105. Bland, K.L, Copeland, E.M., Climber, V.S., Gradishar, W.J. (2017). The breast: comprehensive management of benign and malignant diseases. In The breast: comprehensive management of benign and malignant diseases. Elsevier Inc.
  106. Borrelli, C., Cohen, S., Duncan, A., et al (2016). NHSBSP; Clinical guidance for breast cancer screening assessment, publication 49. Public Health England.
  107. Gandamihardja, Т.А.К., Soukup, Т., McInerney, S„ Green, J.S.A., Sevdalis, N. (2019). Analysing breast cancer multidisciplinary patient management: a prospective observational evaluation of team clinical decision-making. World Journal of Surgery, 43(2), 559-566.
  108. Hogg, P„ Kelly, J., Mercer, C. eds (2015). Digital mammography. A holistic approach. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  109. Kesson, E.M., Allardice, G.M., George, W.D., Burns, H.J.G., Morrison, D.S. (2012). Effects of multidisciplinary team working on breast cancer survival: Retrospective, comparative, interventional cohort study of 13 722 women. British Medical Journal (Online), 344(7856).
  110. Kopans, D.B. (2006). Breast imaging (3rd ed). Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  111. Lee, B., Whitehead, M.T. (2017). Radiology reports: what you think you’re saying and what they think you’re saying. Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, 46(3), 186-195.
  112. Maxwell, A. J., Ridley, N.T., Rubin, G., Wallis, M.G., Gilbert, F.J., Michell, M.J. (2009). The Royal College of Radiologists Breast Group breast imaging classification. Clinical Radiology, 64(6), 624-627.
  113. National Cancer Peer Review-National Cancer Action Team. (2011). Manual for Cancer Services: Network Service User Partnership Group Measures. Version 1.0.
  114. NICE (2002) Improving Outcomes in Breast Cancer. Cancer service guideline [CSG1J.
  115. Public Health England. (2017). NHS Breast Screening Programme Guidance for breast screening mammographers. 3rd Ed.
  116. Rajan, S., Foreman, J., Wallis, M.G., Caldas, C., Britton, P. (2013). Multidisciplinary decisions in breast cancer: does the patient receive what the team has recommended? British Journal of Cancer, 108(12), 2442-2447.
  117. Shetty, M.K. ed. (2014). Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis: A Synopsis. New York: Springer.
  118. Shah, B.A., Fundaro, G.M., Mandava S. R. (2015). Breast imaging review: a quick guide to essential diagnoses. 2nd Edition. New York: Springer.
  119. Sibbering, M., Watkins, R., Winstanley, J., Patnick, J. (2009). Quality assurance Guidelines for Surgeons in Breast cancer screening. NHSBSP Publication no 20 fourth edition. NHS Cancer Screening Programmes.
  120. Sibbering, M. (2020). Improving the efficiency ofbreast multidisciplinary team meetings: a toolkit for breast services. January
  121. Soukup, T., Gandamihardja, T.A.K., McInerney, S., Green, J.S.A., Sevdalis, N. (2019). Do multidisciplinary cancer care teams suffer decision-making fatigue: An observational, longitudinal team improvement study. British Medical Journal Open, 9(5), e027303.
  122. Taylor, C„ Munro, A. J., Glynne-Jones, R., et al. (2010). Multidisciplinary team working in cancer: what is the evidence? British Medical Journal, 340, p.c951.
  123. The Royal College of Radiologists. (2014). Cancer Multidisciplinary Team Meeting — Standards for Clinical Radiologists. 2nd edition.
  124. The Royal College of Radiologists. (2019). Guidance on screening and symptomatic breast imaging 4th edition. November. Clinical Radiology.
  125. Wagner, J., Liston, B., Miller, J. (2011). Developing interprofessional communication skills. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 6(3), 97-101.
  126. Wilson, R„ Liston, J. (eds) (2011). Quality Assurance Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening Radiology. 59. Sheffield: NHS Cancer Screening Programmes.
  127. Gilbert, F.J., Tucker, L„ Young, K.C. (2016). Digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT): a review of the evidence for use as a screening tool. Clinical Radiology, 71(2), 141-150.
  128. Harvey, J., March., D.E. (2013). Making the diagnosis: a practical guide to breast imaging. Philidelphia: Saunders Elsevier.
  129. Hogg, P„ Kelly, J., Mercer, C. eds (2015). Digital mammography, a holistic approach. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  130. Hooley, R.J., Durand, M.A., Philpotts, L.E. (2017). Advances in digital breast tomosynthesis. American Journal of Roentgenology, 208 (2).
  131. Huppe, A.I., Overman, K.L., Gatewood, J.B., Hill, J.D., Miller, L.C., Inciardi, M.F. (2017). Mammography positioning standards in the digital era: Is the status quo acceptable? American Journal of Roentgenology, 209(6), 1419-1425.
  132. Johnson, K„ Sarma, D., Hwang, E.S. (2015). Lobular breast cancer series: imaging. Breast Cancer Research, 17(1), 94.
  133. Kim, G., Phillips, J„ Cole, E., et al. (2019). Comparison of contrast-enhanced mammography with conventional digital mammography in breast cancer screening: a pilot study. (Report). Journal of the American College of Radiology, 16(10), 1456.
  134. Kopans, D.B. (2006). Breast imaging (3rd ed). Baltimore, Maryland: Lippincott Williams 8r Wilkins.
  135. Mackenzie, A., Warren, L.M., Wallis, M.G., et al. (2016). The relationship between cancer detection in mammography and image quality measurements. Physica Medica, 32(4), 568-574.
  136. Marinovich, M.L., Hunter, K.E., Macaskill, P„ Houssami, N. (2018). Breast cancer screening using tomosynthesis or mammography: a meta-analy-sis of cancer detection and recall. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 110(9), 942-949.
  137. Nightingale, J.M., Murphy, F.J., Robinson, L„ Newton-Hughes, A., Hogg, P. (2015). Breast compression — An exploration of problem solving and decision-making in mammography. Radiography, 21(4), 364-369.
  138. Nori, J, Kaur, M. (2018). Contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM). Springer International.
  139. Philpotts, L.E., Hooley, R.J. (2017). Breast tomosynthesis. Philadelphia: Elsevier.
  140. Popli, M.B., Teotia, R., Narang, M., Krishna, H. (2014). Breast positioning during mammography: Mistakes to be avoided. Breast Cancer: Basic and Clinical Research, 8(30), 119-124.
  141. Public Health England. (2017). NHS Breast Screening Programme Guidance for breast screening mammographers. 3rd Ed.
  142. Public Health England. (2018). Breast screening mammography: ergonomics good practice. October.
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